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SKRIPSI YULIA ISTI D. (PDF).pdf Restricted to Repository staff only Download (10MB) |
ABSTRAK DAMAYANTI, YULIA ISTI. 2020. Pengaruh penggunaan Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok dengan Teknik Homeroom Terhadap Kemampuan Public Speaking Peserta Didik Kelas 10 Akuntansi 3 SMK NU 01 Islamiyah Kramat Kabupaten Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 209/2020. Skripsi Bimbingan dan Konseling. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Pancasakti Tegal. Pembimbing I : Prof. Dr. Sitti Hartinah, DS. MM. Pembimbing II : Dr. Maufur, M. Pd. Kata Kunci : Pengaruh, Bimbingan Kelompok Dengan Teknik Homeroom dan Kemampuan Public Speaking. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh peserta didik yang terlihat kurang memiliki keberanian dan kepercayaan diri dalam menyampaikan pendapat serta juga kemampuan public speaking yang masih rendah. Yang menyebabkan peserta didik tampil kurang percaya. Hal ini dimaklumi oleh para guru sebagai masalah bagi peserta didik dalam mengembangkan potensinya secara maksimal. Adapun tujuannya untuk mengetahui kemampuan public speaking sebelum diberi layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik homeroom dan setelah diberi layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik homeroom serta pengaruh layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik homeroom terhadap kemampuan public speaking. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain One Grup Pretest-Posttest. jumlah populasi 32 peserta didik. Dengan menggunakan teknik sampling purposive sampling. Subjek adalah peserta didik kelas 10 Akuntansi 3 SMK NU 01 Islamiyah Kramat Kabupaten Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020 dengan sampel sebanyak 22 peserta didik. Instrumen adalah kuesioner/angket yang dianalisis berdasarkan aspek kemampuan public speaking sebanyak 50 item pernyataan. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data statistik deskriptif persentase dan analisis uji t. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan public speaking peserta didik sebelum diberi layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik homeroom dikategorikan rendah (41 %). Setelah itu tingkat kemampuan public speaking peserta didik setelah diberi layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik homeroom dikategorikan tinggi (45 %). Dengan hasil Uji T menunjukkan hasil signifikan 18,474 > 2,073. Yang artinya ada pengaruh penggunaan layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik homeroom terhadap kemampuan public speaking peserta didik kelas 10 akuntansi 3 SMK NU 01 Islamiyah Kramat Kabupaten Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020. Saran yang disampaiakan kepada guru lebih menerapkan lagi layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik homeroom sebagai solusi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan public speaking peserta didik. =============================================================================================== ABSTRACT DAMAYANTI, YULIA ISTI. 2020. The Influence of Using Group Guidance Services with Homeroom Techniques on the Public Speaking Ability of Class 10 Accounting Students at SMK NU 01 Islamiyah Kramat, Tegal Regency, Academic Year 209/2020. Thesis Guidance and Counseling. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pancasakti University of Tegal. Advisor I: Prof. Dr. Sitti Hartinah, DS. MM. Supervisor II: Dr. Maufur, M. Pd. Keywords: Influence, Group Guidance with Homeroom Technique and Public Speaking Ability. This research was motivated by students who seemed to lack courage and confidence in expressing opinions and also low public speaking skills. Which causes students to appear less trusting. This is understood by teachers as a problem for students in developing their potential to the maximum. The aim is to determine public speaking skills before being given group guidance services with the homeroom technique and after being given group guidance services with the homeroom technique and the effect of group guidance services with the homeroom technique on public speaking skills. The approach used is a quantitative approach with the design of One Group Pretest-Posttest. total population 32 students. By using sampling purposive sampling technique. The subjects were students in class 10 Accounting 3 at SMK NU 01 Islamiyah Kramat, Tegal Regency, Academic Year 2019/2020 with a sample of 22 students. The instrument is a questionnaire / questionnaire which is analyzed based on the aspect of public speaking skills as many as 50 statement items. The data analysis used was the percentage descriptive statistical data analysis and t test analysis. The results showed that the public speaking skills of students before being given group guidance services with the homeroom technique were categorized as low (41%). After that, the level of public speaking skills of students after being given group guidance services with the homeroom technique was categorized as high (45%). With the T test results showed significant results 18,474 > 2.073. This means that there is an effect of using group guidance services with the homeroom technique on the public speaking skills of students in class 10 accounting 3 at SMK NU 01 Islamiyah Kramat, Tegal Regency, 2019/2020 academic year. Suggestions given to the teacher are to apply more group guidance services with the Homeroom technique as a solution to improving students' public speaking skills.
Item Type: | Karya Ilmiah (Skripsi) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Bimbingan Konseling |
Depositing User: | Perpustakaan Pusat |
Date Deposited: | 22 Feb 2021 10:28 |
Last Modified: | 09 Jan 2023 03:04 |
URI: | http://repository.upstegal.ac.id/id/eprint/3258 |
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