Taufik, Achmad (2020) TINJAUAN HUKUM TANGGUNG JAWAB AYAH TERHADAP NAFKAH ANAK AKIBAT PERCERAIAN (STUDI PUTUSAN NOMOR 1930/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Bbs). Skripsi thesis, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal.
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ABSTRAK Taufik, Achmad, Tinjauan Hukum Tanggung Jawab Ayah Terhadap Nafkah Anak Akibat Perceraian (Studi Putusan Nomor 1930/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Bbs). Skripsi. Tegal: Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal. 2019. Nafkah anak yang wajib diberikan ayah sesuai dengan kebutuhan pokok anak dan sesuai pula dengan kondisi ayah dan anak tersebut. Adanya kelalaian untuk memberikan nafkah sehingga pihak yang wajib dinafkahinya menjadi terlantar, merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi di kalangan masyarakat Islam. Kenyataan seperti tersebut sering terjadi terutama dalam masyarakat yang kurang pengetahuannya tentang bagaimana cara memperoleh suatu hak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk: 1) Mendeskripsikan tinjauan hukum tanggung jawab ayah terhadap nafkah anak akibat perceraian dalam hukum positif di Indonesia, 2) Mendeskripsikan penyelesaian tanggung jawab ayah terhadap nafkah anak akibat perceraian pada putusan nomor 1930/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Bbs. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan normatif, jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah data sekunder, meliputi: bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tertier. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan studi kepustakaan dan studi dokumen. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh suatu kesimpulan bahwa: 1) Tanggung jawab ayah terhadap nafkah anak akibat perceraian dalam hukum positif di Indonesia, yaitu: Al-Qur'an dan Hadist (Surat At-Talaq ayat 6, Al-Baqarah ayat 233, An-Nissa ayat 5); Undang-Undang No. l Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan Pasal 41 huruf (a); dan KHI Pasal 104 ayat (1), Pasal 105 huruf (c) dan 156 huruf (d). 2) Penyelesaian tanggung jawab ayah terhadap nafkah anak akibat perceraian pada Putusan Nomor 1930/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Bbs diselesaikan dalam sidang Pengadilan Agama Brebes dengan menerapkan Yurisprudensi Mahkamah Agung Nomor 608 K/AG/2003 tanggal 23 Maret 2005, Pasal 330 KUH Perdata dan Pasal 98 ayat (1) KHI, Pasal 8 Peraturan Pemerintah No. 10 Tahun 1983 jo. PP No. 45 Tahun 1990 tentang Izin Perkawinan dan Perceraian Bagi pegawai Negeri Sipil, dan Pasal 105 huruf c KHI. Menurut penulis Pasal 105 huruf c Kompilasi Hukum Islam kurang tepat karena dalam pasal tersebut dimakudkan biaya pemeliharaan anak belum mumayyiz atau belum berumur 12 tahun dan sudah mumayyiz tanpa adanya batasan. Anak dalam hal ini sudah berusia 17 tahun 3 bulan berarti sudah mumayyiz sedangkan dalam putusan tercantum batasan kewajiban pemberian nafkah anak sampai anak tersebut dewasa dan mandiri. Jadi menurut penulis penerapan pasal yang cocok adalah dengan menerapakan Pasal 156 huruf d KHI yang berbunyi “semua biaya hadhanah dan nafkah anak menjadi tanggung jawab ayah menurut kemampuannya, sekurang-kurangnya sampai anak tersebut dewasa dapat mengurus diri sendiri (21 tahun). Kata Kunci: Tanggung Jawab Ayah, Nafkah Anak, dan Perceraian. ===================================================================================================== ABSTRACT Taufik, Achmad, Review of the Law of Father's Responsibility Against Child's Livelihoods Due to Divorce (Study of Decision Number 1930/Pdt.G/2018/ PA.Bbs). Skripsi. Tegal: Legal Studies Program, Faculty of Law, Pancasakti Tegal University. 2019. Child care that must be given is in accordance with the child's basic needs and in accordance with the condition of the father and child. The existence of negligence to provide a living so that the party that is obliged to pay for it becomes neglected, is a problem that often occurs among the Islamic community. Such facts often occur especially in communities that lack knowledge about how to obtain a right. The purpose of this study is to: 1) Describe the legal review of father's responsibility for the livelihood of children due to divorce in positive law in Indonesia, 2) Describe the completion of father's responsibility for the livelihood of children due to divorce in decision number 1930/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Bbs. This study uses a normative approach, this type of research is descriptive. The source of this research data is secondary data, including: primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. Methods of collecting data using literature studies and document studies. Analysis of research data using qualitative analysis. The results of the study obtained a conclusion that: 1) Father's responsibility for the livelihood of children due to divorce in positive law in Indonesia, namely: Al-Qur'an and Hadith (Surat At-Talaq ayat 6, Al-Baqarah ayat 233, An-Nissa ayat 5); Law No. l Year 1974 concerning Marriage Article 41 letter (a); and KHI Article 104 paragraph (1), Article 105 letters (c) and 156 letters (d). 2) Completion of father's responsibility for the livelihood of a child due to divorce in Decision Number 1930/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Bbs resolved in the Brebes Religious Court session by applying the Supreme Court Jurisprudence Number 608K/AG/2003 dated March 23, 2005, Article 330 Civil Code and Article 98 paragraph (1) KHI, Article 8 Government Regulation No. 10 of 1983 jo. PP No. 45 of 1990 concerning Marriage and Divorce Permits for Civil Servants, and Article 105 letter c KHI. According to the author Article 105 letter c Compilation of Islamic Law is not quite right because in the article the maintenance costs of children are not yet mumayyiz or 12 years old and have been mumayyiz without any restrictions. Children in this case are aged 17 years and 3 months, meaning they are already mumayyiz while in the decision there are limits to the obligation to provide children with livelihood until the child is mature and independent. So according to the author, the application of a suitable article is to apply Article 156 letter d KHI which reads "all hadhan costs and the livelihood of the child are the responsibility of the father according to his ability, at least until the child can take care of himself (21 years). Keywords: Father's Responsibility, Child's Livelihood, and Divorce.
Item Type: | Karya Ilmiah (Skripsi) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum |
Depositing User: | Achmad Taufik |
Date Deposited: | 17 Feb 2020 08:01 |
Last Modified: | 11 Jan 2023 06:08 |
URI: | http://repository.upstegal.ac.id/id/eprint/1235 |
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