Sholikhakh, Rizqi Amaliyakh and Lestiana, Herani Tri and Oktaviani, Dian Nataria (2017) ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN PENALARAN MATEMATIS MAHASISWA PADA MATAKULIAH STRUKTUR ALJABAR. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, 5. pp. 237-245. ISSN 2338-8315

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ABSTRACT Evaluation plays an important role in learning process to show whether the learning process effective or not. This study aimed at analyzing students’ achievement of each indicator of mathematical reasoning, analyzing students’ classical and individuals achievement of mastery of mathematical reasoning, and analyzing students’ mathematical reasoning ability in Algebra Structure course based on very good, good and less good level at stage analyze, generalyze, synthesize, dan justify. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this study were two classes of 5th grade students of the Faculty of Mathematics Education Teaching and Education University Pancasakti Tegal of the academic year 2016/2017 which consist of 49 students. Data collection methods used were: (1) test the ability of understanding; (2) observation; (3) documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively by finding the percentage of mastery of each indicators of mathematical reasoning abilities. The results showed that most students have very good ability in identifying what is known and what is being asked (analyze phase). At stage of generalyzing, in general, students can arrange problem-solving strategies and determine the theorem that will be used in proving process. On stage synthesizing, students’ reasoning ability were categorized in unfavorable category because students can not extrapolate and relate the theorems with what is known. On average, in justify stage, students’ ability were classified as less good. Many students took wrong conclusion because the process they did in the previous stage is also wrong. Kata Kunci: Mathematical reasoning, Algebra Structure

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Matematika
Depositing User: admin repository upstegal
Date Deposited: 24 Feb 2020 02:41
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2023 07:33

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