Discovery Learning Model Applied in WA Messenger : The Implementation and Its Effect toward Students’ Writing Skill (An Experimental Research in SMK N 2 Tegal at the Tenth Grade)

Bayatan Yuflihul Akbar, . (2021) Discovery Learning Model Applied in WA Messenger : The Implementation and Its Effect toward Students’ Writing Skill (An Experimental Research in SMK N 2 Tegal at the Tenth Grade). Skripsi thesis, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal.

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Yuflihul, Bayatan Akbar. 2021. 1617500002:“Discovery Learning Model Applied in WA Messenger: The Implementation and Effect toward Students’ Writing Skill.”. Research project. Strata I program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pancasakti University Tegal, The First Advisor Yulia Nur Ekawati, M.Pd. and Second Advisor Anin Eka Sulistyawati, S.S, M.Hum. Key words : WA Messenger, Discovery Learning Model, Students’ Writing Skill. The objectives of these research are to find out the implementation of Discovery Learning Model in teaching writing using WA Messenger and to find out whether or not there is a significant effect of using Discovery Learning Model on students’ writing skill. The research hypothesis is the use of Discovery Learning Model gives a positive effect towards students’ writing skill. Discovery Learning Model is applied to the tenth grade students of SMK N 2 Tegal in the academic year 2020/2021. In this research, the population is all the tenth grade students in SMK N 2 Tegal which is totally 330 students. The writer uses simple random sampling with two group design (experimental group and control group). The total of sample is 60 students. 30 students is as experimental group and 30 students as control group. The experimental group is the group of students who are taught using Discovery Learning Model. The control group is the group of students who are taught without using Discovery Learning Model. After teaching 7 meetings, the writer gives guided writing test to experiment group and control group. This research the writer uses SPSS program to analyze data. The t-test is higher than t-table (-7,831) > (-1,699). It means the use of Discovery Learning Model more effective to teach writing skill. The using group statistic the writer finds the total number of respondents is 60 students, mean of experiment group is 82,40 and the control group is 70,43. It means the experimental class is better than the control class, or in other words learn writing skill in Discovery Learning Model is better. The result shows that the use of Discovery Learning Model more effective and there is significant difference in teaching writing skill to the tenth grade of SMK N 2 Tegal. So, from the analysis above it can be concluded that there is the process of teaching in students' writing skill at tenth grade of SMK N 2Tegal same with the theory, the students show positive responses in teaching writing skill. Therefore, the writer suggests that will be better for the teacher to use the Discovery Learning Model in teaching and activity, espesially in teaching writing skill. Students also need it to develop way learning, so can learn and understand the material clearly with own thinking.

Item Type: Karya Ilmiah (Skripsi)
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PE English
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Admin Perpustakaan Pusat
Date Deposited: 01 Dec 2021 07:00
Last Modified: 20 Jun 2024 04:21

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