THE EFFECT OF USING QUIZLET APPLICATION TO IMPROVESTUDENTS’ABILITY INLEARNING VOCABULARY (An Experimental Research at Eighth-grade Students’ of SMP Negeri 3 Brebes inAcademic Year 2022/2023)

FATIA BANI ULFAH, . (2023) THE EFFECT OF USING QUIZLET APPLICATION TO IMPROVESTUDENTS’ABILITY INLEARNING VOCABULARY (An Experimental Research at Eighth-grade Students’ of SMP Negeri 3 Brebes inAcademic Year 2022/2023). Skripsi thesis, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal.

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Ulfah, FatiaBani. 2023. 1618500025: “The Effect of Using Quizlet Application toImprove Students’ Ability in Learning Vocabulary (An Experimental ResearchatEighth-gradeStudents’ofSMPNegeri3BrebesinAcademicYear2022/2023)”. Research Project.Strata 1 Program, Faculty of Teacher TrainingandEducation,PancasaktiUniversityTegal.ThefirstAdvisorisYuvita,M.Pd.andthe secondAdvisor is AninEkaSulistyawati, S.S., M.Hum. KeyWords:Quizlet application,Vocabulary The purposes of this research are to find out whether or not there is anysignificantdifferencebetweenthestudentstaughtbytheQuizletapplicationandthosewhoarenottaughtbyQuizletapplication,andtofindoutthestudents'perceptionafterusingthe Quizlet application toimprovelearning English vocabulary. The researcher used a quantitative approach with a true experimental design.The population in this research involved class VIII of SMP Negeri 3 Brebes in theacademicyear2022/2023whichwascarriedoutbyrandomsamplinganddividedintotwo groups (VIII A and VIII B), it has 28 students for each experimental group (usingQuizlet) and the control group (not using Quizlet). Two types of instruments wereemployedherethevocabulary test and aquestionnaire. The results of the t test found a significant difference between the posttestexperimentalgroupof69.46outperformingthecontrolgroupof58.04anditisknownthat Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000 meaning <0.05 and also the results of the questionnaire foreach item the majority of students after using Quizlet 87% stated positively (saying46% Agree (S) and41% StronglyAgree (ST)).Thenthe researchhypothesisisaccepted. The conclusions drawn from the data collected were: 1) the experimentalgroup outperformed the control group (69.46 > 58.04) and students had 87% positiveperceptionsabout usingQuizlet to studyvocabulary. The research suggests that: 1) Students are given additional time to practiceunderstandingvocabularyathomeoratschool byusingmediasothatlearningactivities are not boring, so they can apply them in their daily activities. 2) Teacherscan use new techniques and activities to learn English to increase students' interest inusingappropriate mediatosupportteachingandlearningmodels;and3)Futurereseacher try to do more thorough research in the future to find the effect of usingQuizletmodelapps onother languageskills likewriting, listening,and speaking.

Item Type: Karya Ilmiah (Skripsi)
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PE English
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Admin Perpustakaan Pusat
Date Deposited: 08 Mar 2023 06:23
Last Modified: 08 Mar 2023 06:23

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