SHELA ARUM VIANA, . (2023) THE EFFECT OF ANIMATION VIDEOS TO IMPROVESTUDENTS’READINGABILITYATNARRATIVETEXT (AnExperimentalResearch atSMP N2 DukuhwaruAcademicYear 2022/2023). Skripsi thesis, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal.

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Viana, Shela Arum. 2023. 1618500014: “The Effect of Animation Videos toImprove Student’s Reading Ability at Narrative Text”. Research Project.Strata 1 Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, PancasaktiUniversityTegal.TheFirstAdvisorisYuvitaM.PdandthesecondAdvisoris AninEkaSulistyawatiS.S,M.Hum Keywords:Animation Videos, Reading, Narrative This research aims to find out if there is any significant difference on thestudents’readingabilityatnarrativetextbetweenstudentswhoaretaughtbyusing animation videos and those who are not and to find out how the effect ofanimationvideos to improvestudents’reading ability. The researcher used quantitative approach with true-experimental that usepost-test only design. The population in this research is the eight grade students ofSMP N 2 Dukuhwaru in academic year 2022/2023, with sampel VIII B as theexperimentalgroupandVIIICasthecontrolgroup.Tofindtheresult,theresearcherusepost-test and quesstionnaire. The result of post-test is 75,33 as mean of the experimental group and63,00 as mean of the control group. The researcher used a t-test to find out thesignifficant difference. The result of independent sample t-test show that the valueof sig (2-tailed) was 0.000<0,05. It means that there is a significant differentbetween the experimental group and control group in the use of the animationvideos on students’ reading ability at narrative text. Furthermore, based on thequestionnaire instrument, there are 90% of the total students are more interested inlearning narrative text by watching animation videos. From students’ responses,the animation videos help them to understand better about the narrative story. Itcan be concluded that the use of the animation videos give positive effect inlearningreadingnarrativetext. The researcher suggest to the english teacher can administer the use ofappropriatemediainlearningsothatthelearningprocessisinteresting,theadditional researchers investigate the research methodological aspects which arenot covered in this research. The results of this research are expected to add to theinsight into knowledge related to research in the field of reading with the help ofanimationvideos that are applied in classroom.

Item Type: Karya Ilmiah (Skripsi)
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PE English
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Admin Perpustakaan Pusat
Date Deposited: 06 Mar 2023 02:08
Last Modified: 06 Mar 2023 02:08

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